When a young boy named Tooichi stumbles upon an old lamp in his grandfather's shed, he mistakes it for a toy and takes it outside to play. When his grandfather discovers this, he reprimands the boy and begins recounting the story behind the artifact—of how a small, traditional Japanese town became Westernized. In his youth, Tooichi's grandfather, Minosuke, made a living by doing errands and chores for the townspeople. After one errand takes him to a nearby town, he witnesses Western lamps—a technology unfamiliar to him—light up the streets, igniting a spark in the young boy. From that moment on, lamps became Minosuke's passion and profession, changing his and the townspeople's lives forever. ...
Year :
Genre : Drama
Seasons :
Type : Movie
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Telecom Animation Film
duration : 24 min
Rating : G - All Ages
Popularity : 4981
Member : 21261
Takiguchi, Teiichi
Kikuta, Hiromi
Sound Director
Shiratori, Emiko
Theme Song Performance
Haketa, Takefumi
Katou, Sou
Key Animation
Kitagawa, Takayuki
Key Animation