In an odd dimensional bubble inside the kettle of an Oden food cart exists Oden village. The residents of Oden village spend their idyllic days waiting for customers to come and eat them. In the meantime, Oden-kun helps other troubled dwellers to realize their dreams. One day, he hears that a customer's mother suffers from cancer so he leaves the kettle and after being eaten, faces the cancer cell Gannosuke. Oden-kun's dream is to meet his own mother. Looking forward to this day, Oden-kun spends his days doing one good deed a day. (Source: ANN)...
Year : 2013
Genre : Comedy
Seasons : winter
Type : TV
Eposide : 102
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Kachidoki Studio
duration : 3 min per ep
Rating : G - All Ages
Popularity : 17882
Member : 419