The fierce confrontation among the Kanto high schools reaches new heights with the awakening of dragons in the Kyousho and Seito Academy's leaders, Moutoku Sousou and Gentoku Ryuubi. However, the power balance between these two institutions and their main opponent, Nanyo Academy, is jeopardized when Shimei Ryomou seizes a mysterious dragon orb in China. It is said that the orb grants its strength to a dragon wielder, and Shimei hopes to save Nanyo Academy's leader Hakufu Sonsaku from the adverse effects of her unstable gift. Meanwhile, Moutoku's powers completely consume him, and he loses control over his own body to the Demon King's soul, whose unlimited ambitions endanger the stability of the region and the safety of his allies. In the face of growing tensions to claim the dragon orb, Hakufu and Gentoku will have to put aside their differences and work together to thwart Moutoku's demonic plans. ...
Year : 2007
Genre : Action, Ecchi
Seasons : winter
Type : TV
Eposide : 12
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Arms
duration : 24 min per ep
Rating : R+ - Mild Nudity
Popularity : 2459
Member : 83874
Beniya, Yoshikazu
Hatakeyama, Takurou
Koshinaka, Osamu
Tanaka, Shinsaku
Oohata, Kouichi
Shimizu, Katsunori
Sound Director