With dreams of becoming a pâtissiere, Sayuri Haruno has worked hard for her scholarship to Fleurir Confectionery Academy, an elite school designed to train world class pastry chefs. The staff consists of unrivalled pâtissiers, who work with absolute precision—the prince-like Mitsuki Aoi, famous for his work with chocolate; the friendly and extroverted Gilbert Hanafusa, an expert in confectionery hailing from France; and the stoic Yoshinosuke Suzumi, who has perfected the art of Japanese sweets. Upon admission to the school, Sayuri is thrust into a world of advanced baking, surrounded by both supportive and charming staff and fascinating classmates. Sayuri's attention is captured by the dedicated Ryou Kouzuki, who seems to share the same determination to achieve his dream. Sayuri is set on the path for greatness, and her newly cultivated culinary skill will help her handle any challenge the school throws her way. ...
Year :
Genre : Gourmet, Romance
Seasons :
Type : ONA
Eposide : 24
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : SILVER LINK.Connect
duration : 5 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 2945
Member : 61801
Sasaki, Marina
Tabeya, Masahiro
Akitaya, Noriaki
Kameyama, Toshiki
Sound Director
Ibe, Yuushi
Episode Director
Ikeda, Tomomi
Episode Director