After utilizing the power of crane games to protect Earth from certain destruction by asteroids, the Crane Game Girls successfully become the planet's most popular idol group. However, their success is bittersweet when their manager, Saya, disappears on the day of their fateful final mission. One day, an Earth Invasion Idol group known as Dark Cherry interrupts a live show and challenges the Crane Game Girls to a battle. To make matters worse, Saya has reappeared as Dark Cherry's manager! As the group prepares to face off against their new foes, they begin to unravel the secrets of Saya's betrayal and the reasons behind the sudden invasion from planet Dark Gorilla. ...
Year : 2016
Genre : Comedy, Sci-Fi
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 12
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Kyotoma
duration : 13 min per ep
Rating : PG - Children
Popularity : 9850
Member : 3640
Hara, Natsuko
Theme Song Performance
Sasaki, Rico
Theme Song Performance
Tokui, Sora
Theme Song Performance
Yatoki, Tsukasa
Theme Song Composition
Hosoi, Takafumi
Mena, Héctor
ADR Director