Queen's Blade, a four-yearly life-threatening fighting event where beauty fighters from all over the world gather. The strongest women dominate everything on this continent, following the tradition initiated by the first queen. The winner of an official match in the presence of an angel can give any order to the loser. You can take away your proud weapons, serve as a slave, and even defeat the current Queen and take her place! Elina, the daughter of a remote aristocrat, set out on her own pursuit of her beloved sister, Reina, who had abandoned everything and became a beautiful warrior....
Year :
Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Ecchi
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 2
Status : Finished Airing
Studio :
duration : 26 min per ep
Rating : R+ - Mild Nudity
Popularity : 6046
Member : 12938
Yokota, Masaaki
Kisaragi, Mayu
Aketagawa, Jin
Sound Director
Kingetsu, Ryuunosuke
Hobby Japan
Original Creator
Ishibashi, Yukiko
Character Design