Adapted from the popular storybooks of the same name by Yutaka Hara, Kaiketsu Zorori follows the adventures of a scheming fox named Zorori, who is determined to become the King of Mischief with his very own castle and beautiful bride. Although Zorori is notorious for his pranks and tricks, his conniving plots often backfire and end up helping his targets, and despite appearing to be villainous and immoral, he is actually caring and sentimental. Nevertheless, Zorori has the wits, intelligence, and dexterity to always find a solution out of the most hopeless of situations. Travelling with a pair of twin boar bandits, Ishishi and Noshishi, he continues on his journey to make his deceased mother proud....
Year : 2004
Genre : Adventure, Comedy
Seasons : winter
Type : TV
Eposide : 52
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Ajia-do
duration : 24 min per ep
Rating : PG - Children
Popularity : 9467
Member : 4105
Ikeguchi, Kazuhiko
Okamura, Masahiro
Nishikiori, Hiroshi
Mima, Masafumi
Sound Director
Iwasaki, Tomoko
Episode Director
Kawasaki, Itsurou
Episode Director