The phantom thief known as the Mirage Queen is an enigma. From their age and gender to the methods behind their daring heists, much remains unknown to authorities and investigators worldwide. However, Queen's few accomplices know them as a remarkably principled person, guided by an internal code and a belief in the artistry of theft. As Queen announces their next target—the legendary jewel called Rose of Linden—the public holds its breath in anticipation. But when thieves from a traveling circus claim the jewel first, it sparks a contest of deception that promises to take everyone involved by surprise. ...
Year :
Genre : Adventure, Fantasy
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : East Fish Studio
duration : 58 min
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 10426
Member : 3049
Katayama, You
Matsumura, Nao
Yamamoto, Kyouka
Den, Saori
Kameyama, Toshiki
Sound Director
Kuratomi, Kouhei
Episode Director