In the Edo period, there was a shrine maiden called "Itsukihime" in the mountain village of Kadono. Jinta, a young man who acts as the shrine maiden's guardian despite being a stranger, encounters a mysterious demon who speaks of the far future in the forest where he went to defeat it. From Edo to the Heisei era, this huge Japanese fantasy series follows a demon man who travels through time while continuously questioning the meaning of wielding a sword. (Source: Crunchyroll, edited)...
Year :
Genre : Action, Fantasy
Seasons :
Type : TV
Eposide :
Status : Not yet aired
Studio : Yokohama Animation Laboratory
duration : Unknown
Rating :
Popularity : 5704
Member : 15093
Aiura, Kazuya
Akao, Deko
Series Composition
Hirokawa, Keiichi
Ikegami, Tarou
Character Design
Nakanishi, Motoo
Original Creator
Takada, Ryuuichi