The story centers on Hinano, a very normal and mild-mannered 17-year-old girl. Since she was very young her grandmother ran a planetarium that Hinano loved, but one day Hinano found out that the planetarium would be closing down. Hinano worried about whether there was anything she could do for her grandmother and for the planetarium, and she coincidentally one day catches sight of a woman dancing on a pole under a starry sky. She gathers her friends and together they set up a stage in the planetarium to perform shows, and they jump into the world of pole dancing. (Source: ANN)...
Year :
Genre :
Seasons :
Type : ONA
Eposide : 14
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Tatsunoko Production
duration : 5 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 9248
Member : 4414
Ezoe, Hitomi
Machida, Touko
Higashiooji, Kenta
Suzuki, Anna
Inserted Song Performance
Original Character Design