During Japan's Taisho Era (1912-1926), a scientist named Ayanokoji developed the Steel Angel - an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wanted to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare, Ayanokoji wanted his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus, he defied orders from the Army and secretly made the Steel Angel codenamed "Kurumi". Then one day, a young boy named Nakahito Kagura snuck into Ayanokoji's house as a dare by his friends and stumbled upon Kurumi's lifeless body. A sudden attack by the Imperial Army shook the house, causing Kurumi to fall on Nakahito. At that moment, their lips met, and Kurumi woke up from "the kiss that started a miracle". (Source: ANN)...
Year : 1999
Genre : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 24
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : OLM
duration : 15 min per ep
Rating : R+ - Mild Nudity
Popularity : 4565
Member : 26216
Takahashi, Naohito
Watanabe, Jun
Sound Director
Murata, Kazuya
Episode Director
Sudou, Norihiko
Episode Director
Isako, Kiyotaka
Matsui, Hitoyuki