As introverted colleagues at a travel agency in Tokyo, Takuya Oohara and Rika Honjouji both cherish their happily single lives. After work, home is where they feel most at ease: Takuya unwinds with his cat, while Rika studies various maps. However, an uncertain future looms over their treasured tranquility when their company plans to open a branch office in Alaska within one year and transfer an unmarried employee there. During a day off, Takuya and Rika accidentally meet and, despite never having spoken before, open up to each other about their relocation fears. Feeling encouraged by Takuya facing the same predicament, Rika suddenly proposes a daring solution—to pretend to be engaged for 365 days. Takuya accepts, but little do the two know that the path to marriage may, in many ways, change forever the very lifestyles they struggle to preserve. ...
Year : 2024
Genre : Romance
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 12
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Ashi Productions
duration : 23 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 2369
Member : 88597
Katayama, You
Kudou, Masayo
Ikehata, Hiroshi
Naya, Ryousuke
Sound Director
Hiroshima, Hideki
Episode Director
Yamauchi, Tomio
Episode Director