Asou Daisuke is a high school student and a gifted artist - but he is currently suffering from a block, which keeps him from painting. His childhood friend, Tachibana Amane, who loves him deeply, persuades him to do a portrait of Kimikage Yurina, a girl with a heart condition, before Yurina undergoes surgery. In the process of rediscovering his art, Daisuke also realises the love that he and Amane feel for each other. (Source: ANN)...
Year :
Genre : Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 2
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Studio Kyuuma
duration : 30 min per ep
Rating : R+ - Mild Nudity
Popularity : 7403
Member : 7842
Koshinaka, Osamu
Tominaga, Tsuneo
Kunitake, Miyuki
Theme Song Performance
Kanbara, Toshiaki
Key Animation
Kano, Akira
Character Design
Katsumata, Geki
Art Director