The war between the Heike clan and the Genji clan continues. This time, Nozomi has to fight a powerful supernatural enemy and make a choice: protect her friends and stay by Kurou's side, or choose her first love, Masaomi, which is the leader of the Heike, and her enemy....
Year :
Genre : Action, Fantasy
Seasons :
Type : TV Special
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Yumeta Company
duration : 56 min
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 10050
Member : 3430
Kimiya, Shigeru
Tsunaki, Aki
Ario, Yukiko
Color Design
Kotani, Kyouko
Character Design
Matsuzaki, Nobuya
Director of Photography
Shibata, Chikako
Art Director