After the Interstellar Alliance established peace among most of the planets in the universe, they created the Cosmo Academy. The academy is renowned as the most elite school in existence, with its graduates guaranteed virtually any job they desire. However, one can only become a student if they pass the entrance examinations held every three years, making the competition for admission extremely fierce. Lane Tadatos is a Terran who has managed to reach the final stage of examinations. Placed in a group of 10, he is sent to the Esperanza—a ship stranded in orbit. Their final test is to survive 53 days on the ship, without any means of communication with the outside other than an emergency forfeit button. But a serious problem emerges for the examinees when they perform a headcount. There are 11 people aboard the Esperanza, meaning that one of them is an impostor. ...
Genre : Action, Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi
Seasons :
Type : Movie
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Magic Bus
duration : 1 hr 31 min
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 6038
Member : 12996
Ochiai, Shigekazu
Dezaki, Tetsu
Tominaga, Tsuneo
Kase, Mitsuko
Episode Director
Nakamura, Ryuutarou
Daichi, Akitarou
Director of Photography
Hagio, Moto
Original Creator
Higashi, Junichi
Art Director
Iijima, Hisaharu
Background Art
Ikeda, Yuuji
In-Between Animation
Kanbara, Toshiaki
Key Animation
Katou, Yoshitaka
Key Animation
Seymour, Kevin
ADR Director
Shimizu, Keizou
Animation Director
Sugino, Akio
Character Design
Suzuki, Shinichi
Key Animation
Usuda, Yoshio
Key Animation
Yoshino, Shinichi
In-Between Animation