In deep space, four astronauts discover that their colleague Makimura has mysteriously died shortly following a cryptic note about his imminent murder. Though horrified by the news, the inoperable state of their spaceship leaves the crew no time to grieve, and they evacuate via escape pods. Determined to identify the culprit, the survivors begin to suspect fellow crewmate Kizaki, on account of a rivalry between himself and Makimura regarding the only female team member, Nana Ichinomiya. However, to their bewilderment, they notice Makimura's pod following them, yet failing to respond to attempts at contact. As the astronauts try to interpret their perplexing circumstances, they learn there are more inconceivable stories about their lost teammate, one involving the Phoenix, a mysterious bird said to have the ability to grant immortality. It is not until they crash into a seemingly deserted planet that the crew will finally uncover the sinister truth behind Makimura and his suspicious pod. Set in a distant future, Hi no Tori: Uchuu-hen illustrates the cruelty of human beings passionately in pursuit of their own desires without any regard to the consequences. ...
Genre : Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Madhouse
duration : 48 min
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 9626
Member : 3926
Maruyama, Masao
Kawajiri, Yoshiaki
Konparu, Tomoko
Takayashiki, Hideo
Ebata, Hiroyuki
Assistant Director
Ebisawa, Kazuo
Background Art
Hamasaki, Hiroshi
Key Animation
Handa, Seiji
In-Between Animation
Horiuchi, Naoki
In-Between Animation
Horiuchi, Hiroyuki
In-Between Animation
Ikeda, Yuuji
Art Director
Ishikawa, Kinichi
Director of Photography
Itou, Yutaka
Background Art
Koike, Takeshi
Animation Check
Kurahashi, Shizuo
Sound Effects
Noda, Takuo
Animation Director
Okamura, Tensai
Key Animation
Ozaki, Kazutaka
In-Between Animation
Sakai, Akio
Key Animation
Seo, Yasuhiro
Key Animation
Tezuka, Osamu
Original Creator
Watanabe, Keiko
In-Between Animation
Yoshida, Hajime
In-Between Animation