Kazuma Yagami is a user of "Fuujutsu," the ability to control the wind. He returns to his old home, the noble Kannagi household, after being banished four years ago for his inability to control fire and his subsequent defeat in a duel at the hands of his younger cousin, Ayano Kannagi. Returning after such a brutal exile already gives rise to many conflicts, but to make matters worse, several Kannagi family members have recently been murdered with Fuujutsu. This leads the Kannagi family, including the hot-headed Ayano, to suspect Kazuma as the culprit. Now, Kazuma must not only clear his name, but also aid the family he shares a mutual hatred with, in order to discover the true identity of the killer. ...
Year : 2007
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural
Seasons : spring
Type : TV
Eposide : 24
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Gonzo
duration : 24 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 512
Member : 463360
Cook, Justin
Shibata, Tomonori
Takechi, Tsuneo
Sakata, Junichi
Tsuruoka, Youta
Sound Director
Houri, Kouji
Episode Director