A soccer anime with a cast of wacky animals in sports getup seems far out of its time in the early 21st century, but it was the year of the World Cup in Japan and South Korea, and the very young audience sees these tropes with fresh eyes. Hidemaru is a feisty fox; his friends include bunnies, dogs, horses, and a couple of hefty hippo girls. Based on a manga Hidemaru the Soccer Boy by Makoto Mizobuchi, serialized in CoroCoro Comics. (Source: AnimeVice)...
Year : 2002
Genre : Sports
Seasons : spring
Type : TV
Eposide : 26
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Gallop
duration : 25 min per ep
Rating : G - All Ages
Popularity : 16293
Member : 570
Takamoto, Yoshihiro
Kubo, Tarou
Episode Director
Takayashiki, Hideo
Kohanawa, Tameo
Sasaki, Junichi
Sound Effects
Takegami, Junki