It is the thirty-first century. Ulysses killed the giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son, Telemachus. But the ancient gods of Olympus are angry and threaten a terrible revenge: Ulysses is sentenced to travel through the universe of Olympus with a frozen crew on a quest to find the Kingdom of Hades. Only when he has found the Kingdom of Hades will his crew be free of their curse and he will be able to return to Earth and to his beloved Penelope. (Source: AniDB)...
Year : 1981
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 26
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : TMS Entertainment
duration : 25 min per ep
Rating : G - All Ages
Popularity : 8074
Member : 6429
Bernard, Deyriès
Nagahama, Tadao
Aoki, Yuuzou
Episode Director
Chalopin, Jean
Aguirre, Memo
Theme Song Performance
Araki, Toyohisa
Theme Song Lyrics