This is a story about two sisters: Shizuru, is a high school student who is able to see ghosts while her younger sister, Mizuki, is haunted by these apparitions. Frustrated by their abilities, their parents decided to entrust the sisters into the care of their grandparents who live in the countryside. As they adapt to life in the countryside, Shizuru and Mizuki begin to learn about the importance of coexisting nature with these apparitions. (Source: ANN)...
Year : 2007
Genre : Mystery, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 24
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : MadhouseTezuka Productions
duration : 24 min per ep
Rating : PG - Children
Popularity : 5475
Member : 16652
Hariu, Masayuki
Hashimoto, Shintarou
Udagawa, Sumio
Nishita, Masayoshi
Mima, Masafumi
Sound Director
Kitagawa, Masato
Episode Director