Nariyuki Yuiga, an impoverished third-year high school student, works tirelessly to receive the VIP nomination, a scholarship that would cover all of his college tuition fees. In recognition of his hard work, the headmaster awards him the renowned scholarship. However, this scholarship is given under one condition: he must tutor the school's geniuses in their weakest subjects! Joining his new brigade of pupils are the math maestro Rizu Ogata, who wants to study humanities; the literature legend Fumino Furuhashi, who wants to study science; and Yuiga's sports-savvy childhood friend, Uruka Takemoto, who is hopeless at everything else. Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai follows Yuiga as he tries to teach his three eccentric tutees in a series of strange and comedic antics. But as Ogata's and Furuhashi's ambitions conflict with their talents, will Yuiga be able to help his students achieve their dreams? ...
Year : 2019
Genre : Comedy, Romance
Seasons : spring
Type : TV
Eposide : 13
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : SilverArvo Animation
duration : 23 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 524
Member : 456315
Kananiwa, Kozue
Nakayama, Nobuhiro
Oowada, Tomoyuki
Sanjouba, Kazumasa
Hashimoto, Wataru
Assistant Producer
Iwasaki, Yoshiaki