In the cyber city Tom Sawyer, society revolves around earning "Love," akin to receiving likes on social media. Citizens of this augmented reality exchange Love for public services and appearance-changing avatars via the Decoration Customizer, also known as "Deco," a hologram device implanted in an individual's eyes from early childhood. Under the government's careful management, the people of Tom Sawyer live a peaceful existence, outside the occasional appearance of Phantom Zero, a mysterious criminal who brings all Love to zero within their vicinity. Berry, a mischievous girl fascinated by Phantom Zero, lives comfortably in the system of Tom Sawyer until her Deco malfunctions, enabling her to see a camouflaged prankster named Hack. Believing Hack to be Phantom Zero, Berry chases after the suspect and, in the process, begins to uncover society's most well-kept secrets. As it turns out, Hack is not the only person living outside the system's rules—and the vibrant colors of Tom Sawyer hide a darker nature. ...
Year : 2022
Genre : Sci-Fi
Seasons : summer
Type : TV
Eposide : 12
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Science SARU
duration : 23 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 5105
Member : 20020
Cao, Cong
Kim, Lili
Sakita, Kouhei
Makabe, Yoshiko
Assistant Producer
Tomita, Shizuka
Assistant Producer
Shimoyama, Tomohisa