Following the revelations of the archangel Gabriel, Ente Isla hero Emilia Justina—who lives on Earth under the alias Emi Yusa—starts doubting the validity of her mission to slay the Demon Lord Satan, now reduced to a modest employee of MgRonald's as Sadao Maou. At the same time, Sadao's high school-aged coworker Chiho Sasaki pursues a new dream with hopes to protect not only herself but also her friends. Secretly training with Emi and Suzuno Kamazuki to develop telepathic powers, Chiho's training is cut short when a group of demons abducts her. As angel and demon attacks threaten the fragile peace between the two worlds, Sadao and Emi need to put their troubled past behind them if they want to have a chance to find their new purpose in life. ...
Year : 2023
Genre : Comedy, Supernatural
Seasons : summer
Type : TV
Eposide : 12
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Studio 3Hz
duration : 23 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 1594
Member : 154893
Fukao, Satoshi
Hamabe, Ena
Kaneko, Hirotaka
Kurosaki, Yasutaka
Mutou, Nobukazu
Nagatani, Takayuki