In the year 2005, a race of alien monsters called Zonders emerge from underground and launch a series of attacks on the city of Tokyo. The only defense against these creatures is the secret agency known as the Gutsy Geoid Guard (or 3G) and their ultimate weapon, the awesome giant robot GaoGaiGar. GaoGaiGar's pilot, Guy Shishio, is a former astronaut who was nearly killed two years before when the Zonders first crashed to earth. Guy's life was spared when a mysterious robot lion called Galeon pulled him from the burning shuttle and brought him to Earth. Guy's father, Leo, then used Galeon's technology to rebuild his shattered son as a cyborg, in the hopes that he could stop the aliens when they appear. Now, with Galeon as its core, GaoGaiGar fights to protect Earth. He is aided by a team of transforming robots and by a young boy named Mamoru, who has the power to purify the Zonders' cores, and seems to be connected to the mysterious Galeon. (Source: ANN)...
Year : 1997
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Seasons : winter
Type : TV
Eposide : 49
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Sunrise
duration : 24 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 4790
Member : 23403
Yonetani, Yoshitomo
Kikuchi, Kazuhito
Episode Director
Mori, Kunihiro
Episode Director
Nishiyama, Akihiko
Episode Director
Takamatsu, Shinji
Episode Director
Yamaguchi, Yuuji
Episode Director