The story centers around a mysterious tall tower built from an (unsteady) stack of building blocks. Every morning, noon, and evening, an old timekeeping man rings the bell in the tower to confirm the time for the local townspeople. However, one day at noon, the tower bell fails to ring — leaving the townspeople confused about when to eat lunch. The fantasy adventure begins when Karl, an inquisitive boy living in the town, decides to go to the tower's plaza to see what is the matter. (Source: ANN)...
Year : 2010
Genre : Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 26
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Nippon Animation
duration : 5 min per ep
Rating : PG - Children
Popularity : 16177
Member : 580
Takagi, Jun
Umoto, Yuuji
Episode Director
Maruo, Miho
Yano, Hiroyasu
Theme Song Lyrics
Watanabe, Cheru