Fifteen-year-old Ranze Etou lives a normal life for any girl her age—except for the fact that she resides in a castle with a vampire father and a werewolf mother who constantly worry about her lack of powers. On her first day at a new school, Ranze meets the beautiful Shun Makabe and falls head over heels for him. While he remains oblivious, this does not stop Yoko Kamiya, the daughter of a yakuza boss, from becoming jealous. Furthermore, Ranze's parents despise the idea of her dating a human. On top of all that, Ranze has to cope with the manifestation of a new power—the ability to shapeshift into anything she bites! ...
Year : 1982
Genre : Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Seasons : fall
Type : TV
Eposide : 34
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Group TAC
duration : 24 min per ep
Rating : PG - Children
Popularity : 6518
Member : 10709