In the twilight of the human age, mankind continues to persevere, resisting the lull of nature's reclamation. For Alpha Hatsuseno and her café, things have not changed. The familiar sights and scenery instill a comforting solace—a sentiment cherished by Alpha. One day, however, a radio weather report forecasts an approaching typhoon that threatens to undermine the enduring peace. After taking refuge at Ojisan's gas station and returning to the café, Alpha is devastated to see that her beloved shop had been ravaged by the storm. Determined to restore it back to its former glory, she resolves to find other jobs as a way to fund the repairs. The journey into the unknown is an opportunity to explore what remains of civilization, and Alpha seizes this chance to expand her view of the outside world. ...
Year :
Genre : Sci-Fi, Slice of Life
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 2
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Ajia-do
duration : 32 min per ep
Rating : R+ - Mild Nudity
Popularity : 4898
Member : 22020