Malice, a sex robot living in an abandoned human city, is assaulted and violated by a mysterious creature. Upon awakening, Malice finds out that she has become human and can pass on her humanity to her fellow machines. However, her gift soon becomes a curse when her fellow robots rage out of control after being exposed to the pleasures of life. (Source: ANN)...
Genre : Horror, Sci-Fi
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 3
Status : Finished Airing
Studio :
duration : 26 min per ep
Rating : R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Popularity : 7114
Member : 8721
Motonaga, Keitarou
Honda, Yasunori
Sound Director
Konaka, Chiaki
Nishioka, Shinobu
Character Design