An OVA depicting the early events of the Glass no Kamen series. Kitajima Maya is a young girl from a poor background with no talents of use to school or her widowed mother. However, she is obsessed with movies, theatrical plays and TV dramas-to the point of remembering every line from a movie she's seen once, and dramatically acting out the stories, including every character, for anyone who will listen. One day, she encounters an old woman with a scarred face who claims that Maya is the girl she's been looking for-for the old woman has spent years protecting the rights to a 'legendary' play....
Genre : Drama
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 3
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Tokyo Movie Shinsha
duration : 45 min per ep
Rating : PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Popularity : 10448
Member : 3029
Matsumoto, Tadahito
Kobayashi, Tsuneo
Konparu, Tomoko
Suga, Yoshiyuki
Hirayama, Satoshi
Character Design
Mitsumoto, Hiroyuki
Art Director
Miuchi, Suzue
Original Creator