Joe Yuki, one of the coolest DJs in Shibuya, has a secret identity as the leader of gangs. Because of his traumatic childhood, he fiercely hates "weaklings" and sees winning as his only option in life. One night, an old man is being taunted by the kid known as "the human punching bag." The old man reminds Joe of his parents and childhood, and he uncontrollably challenges the kid to a fight. A fight in which he's defeated, and his pride is utterly shattered into pieces. (Source: ANN)...
Genre : Sports
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 6
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Office AO
duration : 28 min per ep
Rating : R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Popularity : 12299
Member : 1724
Takahashi, Shigeharu
Azuma, Kouji
Art Director
Chiba, Tetsuya
Original Creator
Kajiwara, Ikki
Original Creator
Okazaki, Hideo
Director of Photography
Yasuda, Yoshitaka
Character Design