Ten years ago, Shinobu Handa and Momoko Naitou met on a playground and became friends. Before their separation, they shared a kiss and a promise that they would see each other again. Years later, Shinobu still remembers that vow, but Momoko has forgotten it. Now the two attend the same school. However, their personalities are complete opposites. Shinobu is a delinquent collecting a string of lovers, but Momoko is a serious student and a member of the disciplinary committee. Shinobu uses her flirtatious nature to try to make Momoko rediscover the bond and feelings they once shared. Various stories of love and lust envelop Momoko and Shinobu's lives. Can these two find their way back to one another? ...
Genre : Girls Love, Hentai
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 3
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Amarcord
duration : 27 min per ep
Rating : Rx - Hentai
Popularity : 4164
Member : 31768
Murakami, Kotaro
Midoriki, Ryuki
Iida, Satoki
Sound Director
Kitagawa, Masato
Episode Director
Handa, Daiki
Key Animation
Character Design
Hoshi, Nitetsu
Animation Director
Kubota, Jun
Director of Photography
Kurogane, Kenn
Original Creator
Maeda, Minoru
Art Director
Park, Do Man
Animation Director
Satie, Erik
van Beethoven, Ludwig