In ages long forgotten, when Earth found itself on a collision course with a meteor, Legendary Pokémon Arceus used its power to avert the danger. However, this feat caused the 16 Plates surrounding it to scatter across the world. Without the Plates providing Arceus with life energy, it began to die. A human named Damon managed to find one of the Plates and returned it to the moribund Pokémon, helping it recover. As a reward, Arceus created the Jewel of Life and gave it to the people of Michina Town, stipulating that it must be returned, but the humans refused, hogging the Jewel to themselves. In the battle that ensued, Damon was killed and Arceus went into slumber, vowing to punish humanity upon its return. Satoshi and his companions arrive in Michina Town where they come across Sheena, a descendant of Damon, who claims to be in possession of the Jewel of Life and intends on giving it back to Arceus when it awakens. The situation takes an unexpected turn when Arceus, despite Sheena's best intentions, remains unsatisfied. Satoshi must now prevent the destruction of the entire human race, as Arceus' fury causes distortions in the fabric of the universe, enraging the Legendary trio—Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina—and disturbing the world's balance. ...
Genre : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Seasons :
Type : Movie
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : OLM
duration : 1 hr 34 min
Rating : PG - Children
Popularity : 2320
Member : 92375
Mori, Takemoto
Okamoto, Junya
Okuno, Toshiaki
Yoshikawa, Chouji
Yuyama, Kunihiko
Mima, Masafumi
Sound Director
Yoshikawa, Hiroaki
Episode Director
Sonoda, Hideki
Valencia, Amparo
Asada, Yuuji
Fukazawa, Kouji
Iijima, Masakatsu
Kimura, Tetsu
Miyao, Yoshikazu
Toyama, Sou
Dermont, Mélanie
Theme Song Performance
Donnay, Maxime
Theme Song Performance
Hosono, Haruomi
Theme Song Composition
Nakagawa, Shoko
Theme Song Performance
Stas, Nathalie
Theme Song Performance
Aizawa, Kagetsu
Animation Director
Baba, Toshiko
Animation Director
Delhausse, Jean-Marc
ADR Director
Inoue, Akiko
Digital Paint
Iriyoshi, Satoru
Key Animation
Iwane, Masaaki
Key Animation
Kubo, Masakazu
Executive Producer
Matsuoka, Hideaki
Animation Director
Miyazaki, Shinji
Mouri, Kazuaki
Chief Animation Director
Nakamura, Ryouko
2nd Key Animation
Padilla, Luis Alfonso
ADR Director
Sanches, Gilmara
ADR Director
Satou, Miyuki
Color Design
Shouji, Yasukazu
Animation Director
Sugimori, Ken
Original Character Design
Tajiri, Satoshi
Original Creator
Tamura, Akihiko
Production Manager
Tsuji, Hatsuki
Key Animation
Tsujimura, Yoshiko
2nd Key Animation
Uemura, Takako
Digital Paint
Wayland, Tom
ADR Director
Yoshibe, Naoki
2nd Key Animation