After wandering through the desert for days, a bitter warrior named Munsu is lost and unable to continue. His life is unexpectedly saved by Mon-ryon, a young man who dreams of becoming a secret agent for Jushin, a once-great country that was recently destroyed. Mon-ryon's goal is to save his girlfriend, Chunhyan, a born fighter who is held captive by the evil Lord Byonand. Then, from out of nowhere, blood begins trickling from his chest. He has been fatally wounded by the Sarinjas, a cannibalistic breed of desert goblin. The quick-thinking Munsu convinces these beasts to spare his life, in exchange for the peaceful handover of Mon-ryon's appetizing corpse. Although skeptical of Mon-ryon's motives, Munsu sets out to continue the mission that the young idealist described. Accompanied by an army of ghost troops, unleashed using the powers of Angyo Onshi, Munsu liberates Chunhyan. After visiting her boyfriend's final resting place, she declares herself Munsu's bodyguard and, together, they set out on a mission to punish those who stripped Jushin of its original glory. (Source: AniDB)...
Genre : Action, Fantasy
Seasons :
Type : Movie
Eposide : 1
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : OLM Digital
duration : 1 hr 25 min
Rating : R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Popularity : 5190
Member : 19291
Chung, Jin Ho
Yusa, Kazuhiko
Shimura, Jouji
Mima, Masafumi
Sound Director
Kobayashi, Takashi
Episode Director
Watanabe, Masahiko
Episode Director
Theme Song Performance
Aizawa, Kagetsu
Campbell, Charles
ADR Director
Fukuchi, Junpei
In-Between Animation
Fukuyama, Hiroshi
In-Between Animation
Inoue, Yuuko
Kobayashi, Shichirou
Art Director
Kubo, Masakazu
Kurahashi, Takashi
Art Director
Ledford, John
Executive Producer
Mori, Etsuhito
Oohashi, Toshiaki
In-Between Animation
Oomame, Kazuhiro
Key Animation
Otani, Kow
Saito, Noriaki
In-Between Animation
Satou, Taka
Seo, Yasuhiro
Takahashi, Hideki
Chief Animation Director
Tokumoto, Yoshinobu
Assistant Director
Uike, Kazuma
Key Animation
Watanabe, Aki
Color Design
Yoon, In-Wan
Original Creator