Asou Daisuke is a high school student and a gifted artist - but he is currently suffering from a block, which keeps him from painting. His childhood friend, Tachibana Amane, who loves him deeply, persuades him to do a portrait of Kimikage Yurina, a girl with a heart condition, before Yurina undergoes surgery. In the process of rediscovering his art, Daisuke also realises the love that he and Amane feel for each other. (Source: ANN)...
Genre : Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
Seasons :
Type : OVA
Eposide : 2
Status : Finished Airing
Studio : Studio Kyuuma
duration : 30 min per ep
Rating : R+ - Mild Nudity
Popularity : 7403
Member : 7842
Koshinaka, Osamu
Tominaga, Tsuneo
Kunitake, Miyuki
Theme Song Performance
Kanbara, Toshiaki
Key Animation
Kano, Akira
Character Design
Katsumata, Geki
Art Director
Matsushita, Kiyoshi
Key Animation
Nishi, Shigenari
Ogawa, Takumi
Oikawa, Takeshi
Ueda, Kouichirou
Key Animation